X2 Writer Brings Bitches To Fox 2008/12/31 14:53:03

It seems like Vampires get all the glory these days. They're sexier and more stylish. Let's face what we know. Werewolves smell like wet dog and Vampires don't smell like garlic. Every so often we get a project that tries to popularize werewolves, but they never quite seem to work out. Werewolves only seem to get their due when they appear in vampire movies with the vamps - like Twilight and Underworld.

Well what if they made a show that was werewolves meets Sex and the City? Hot dang!

Well, "hot dang" is what Fox hopes you think. The Hollywood Reporter stated that Fox is developing a new dramedy called Bitches. Yes, it will revolve around four female sophisticate friends in New York…who happen to be werewolves. Bitches, created by Michael Dougherty, will serve to continue the werewolf theme from his feature film Trick 'r Treat.

Dougherty's past credits include X2: X-Men United and Superman Returns.

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