We have questions. These characters seem to have the answers.
by Jesse Schedeen
March 3, 2009 - Lost is big on separating its characters into two sides. Good and evil. Castaways and Others. Ben and Widmore. Well, we have another dynamic in mind – those with questions and those with answers.
The Island is literally crawling with mysteries. What the heck is the Smoke Monster? Why is there a four-toed statue? Just how old is Richard anyway?
Most of the characters on the show seem utterly clueless. A few, on the other hand, seem to be in the know when it comes to the island. In this character guide, we examine the ten characters who seem to have all the answers. Some of them are downright smug about it too. We're looking in your direction, Ms. Hawking.
Whom do you think has all the answers? Does anyone actually know what's going on anymore? Let us know by posting in the comments section below.