"The Sandman", a comic book by Neil Gaiman is going to be transformed into a TV series with "Supernatural" creator Eric Kripke as the showrunner. THR reports that the project is still in early development because Warner Bros. TV is trying to acquire the television rights from sister company DC Entertainment.
"Sandman" is based on the popular folklore of a mythological creature who sprinkles magic sands on children's eyes while they sleep. The comic book version follows Dream or also known as Morpheus in his quest to rebuild his kingdom after being held prisoner for 70 years. There are other fantasy creatures which are named Destiny, Death, Destruction, Despair, Desire and Delirium.
There was a time when a movie adaptation was in plan and a talk between DC and HBO occurred for a TV program. But none of them was ever materialized. Now, Kripke is not the only writer/producer who is in talks with WB TV but he is the frontrunner. The deal is not yet sealed because Kripke reportedly is cautious in making the adaptation, for the comic is highly-regarded by its devotees.