Katy Perry Moves On From 'Sesame Street' to 'The Simpsons' 2010/9/28 9:29:42

Striking while the iron is hot, "The Simpsons" executive producer Al Jean announced that Katy Perry  is a guest for the animation's Christmas episode. Perry made the headlines earlier this week after her skit with Elmo of "Sesame Street" was deemed to sexy for children and was eventually axed from its airing schedule.

Perry, however, will show an equal amount of cleavage on "The Simpsons" December 5 episode called "The Fight Before Christmas". "In the wake of Elmo's terrible betrayal, the Simpsons puppets wish to announce they stand felt-shoulder-to-shoulder with Katy Perry," Jean joked in a statement to EW. The FOX show has taped Perry's cameo in mid September, which is before the fuss about "Sesame".

Playing Moe's girlfriend, she is not simpsonized for she appears in person with the puppet version of the Springfield residents. The singer would lead them in a rendition of "The 39 Days of Christmas". The live-action episode will then be topped off with the cartoon version of Martha Stewart.

The first look of Perry surrounded by Homer Simpson and co. is on EW.

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