Did A Family Guy Episode From 2006 Predict Bin Laden Blooper Video Clip? 2011/5/10 21:20:03

Soon after a decade of bittersweet Tupac and Biggie jokes about the seemingly interminable launch of Osama Bin Laden terror propaganda videos, today's release of many new Bin Laden tapes by the Pentagon– specially one deemed a "blooper reel" of Bin Laden flubbing his lines was a bit of a catharsis for the exhausted "War on Terror" news cycle. But for one group of comedians, the footage of a white-robed Bin Laden lacking acting cues should search eerily familiar– get a appear at Family Guy's Osama Blooper Reel from 2006?

The real video clips the military launched nowadays are portion of the largest cache of high-degree terrorist intelligence ever collected, and showed Bin Laden prior to a plain qualifications, clad in a white robe and hat and getting all his lines wrong. While he doesn't laugh at himself, he does turn to a person off-camera, indicating he has erred. This, CNN concludes, indicated there was a staff of folks behind the releases, and that Bin Laden had camera operators and writers all around to make him appear excellent (the releases also display Bin Laden was a fan of dying his beard to look much more youthful).

Meanwhile, back in 2006,Family Guy's Bin Laden wore the very same thing, stood just before the exact same track record, and mistakenly referred to as the getaway Ramadan "Radaman", and chortled his way via the entire video clip, bringing in props and chumming all around with the camera. Clearly no one really had the pulse on Bin Laden at the time greater than Seth MacFarlane. Or possibly Bin Laden commenced recording and saving his blooper reels after he noticed how to appeal his animated self was to an American audience when wearing oversized sunglasses.

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