Dexter is an American television drama series that centers on Dexter Morgan (Michael C. Hall), an analyst with the stain of blood for the Miami Metro Police Department moonlight as a serial murderer. Dexter structures his assassination in the "Code of Harry", a body of ethics and procedures established by his adoptive father Harry Morgan (who was a Miami police) to ensure that Dexter will get caught and 's to ensure that Dexter only kills other murderers. Harry Dexter also trained to interact with others in a convincing way, despite his mental illness dissociative Harry thinks it's sociopathy, derived from Dexter attends the brutal murder of her biological mother, Laura Moser.
As an adult, television drama series Dexter largely escaped suspect (with some exceptions) to be a relatively bright, generous and maintenance generally superficial. But his attachment to his foster home (and eventually adopted) sister, Debra, his girlfriend (later his wife), Rita, his step-children, Astor and Cody, and later his biological son, Harrison, all complicated his double life and made him question his need to kill. Since the first season of the series, the events began to show slow but steady humanization of Dexter, which is still evolving with each season of Dexter begins to experience a wide range of emotions for the first time this year.