The third season of the television series Fringe began airing in North America on September 23, 2010 and on October 5, 2010 in the UK. The season will contain twenty-two episodes. During the first half of the season, odd-numbered episodes mostly take place in the parallel universe and have a red title sequence, while even-numbered episodes mostly take place in the prime universe and have the original blue title sequence. In episode eight, "Entrada", the title sequence is a mixture of blue and red, and since have been either blue or red or both to signify the universal focus of the episode. Episode 15, "Subject 13" features a retro title sequence, with Asimov font and an 80s rendition of the theme song, in addition to listing already realized technologies as the fringe sciences of the 80s. The season finale, "The Day We Died", has a grey title sequence to indicate the future setting of the episode. |