'Fringe' Reveals Alt Olivia and New Happening in Stills 2010/9/1 9:26:23

With no synopsis unveiled, "Fringe" attempts to tease fans of the season premiere  with the stills. Called "The Box", the episode is likely to pursue another inexplicable happening which occurs in a subway station. Most of the people in that place appear fazed out although the FBI agents have touched them. Curiously, Broyles brings his bomb squad to the scene.

Producers of the show have revealed previously that the third season would spend a lot of time in the alternate world. The other Olivia can be identified by the hairstyle as apparent in the news photo. " 'Our' Olivia just wants to be the best, but [the other] Olivia just wants to win," Anna Torv said about the two different characters at the San Diego Comic Con last month.

Meanwhile, another photo from the alternate world is unveiled to give the first look of the other Walter. John Noble who plays Walter said at Comic Con that he actually trained to lose weight and get shaped in order to portray a younger version of himself. Beside leaner, he's also more tanned and sleek in the haircut.

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