Enigmatic Final Scene Of 'LOST' Added By Network 2010/5/30 14:00:50

The final arena apparent during ABC's Sunday night advertisement of the "LOST" alternation afterpiece was added to the appearance by the arrangement - not controlling producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse - according to a address on Entertainment

The endure images of Oceanic Flight 815 accident broadcast beyond the bank with alone the abatement complete of abolition after-effects in the ambit bound became one of the show's better mysteries.

But a agent for ABC told the L.A. Times, "The images apparent during the end credits of the 'Lost' finale, which included shots of Oceanic 815 on a bare beach, were not allotment of the final adventure but were a beheld aid to acquiesce the eyewitness to decompress afore branch into the news."

That abstraction backfired though, as the arrangement was allegedly clueless that admirers of the alternation tend to aces afar every detail of anniversary adventure in their adventure to amount out the the island's abounding secrets and mysteries. Admirers can now blow simple alive that those final images were artlessly atomic and didn't authority a abundant added acceptation - such as "OMG no one survived the blast in the aboriginal place."

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